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On March 2 Pastor Andrea spoke on the transfiguration of Jesus and what it means in our own lives. As you remember, Jesus had been teaching his disciples as they walked from village to village. He began this time in the mountain with prayer. Here God (as Elijah) spole directly to Jesus and the disciples Peter, John, and James. He tells
On March 2 Pastor Andrea spoke on the transfiguration of Jesus and what it means in our own lives. As you remember, Jesus had been teaching his disciples as they walked from village to village. He began this time in the mountain with prayer. Here God (as Elijah) spole directly to Jesus and the disciples Peter, John, and James. He tells them to listen. He states that Jesus is his son. They were told to stay silent. In our times, in the same way, we need to listen. That's a point in communication that is too often neglected. In the mountaintop experience of transfiguration, the disciples are called to not speak about the event. In our lives, similarly. let's listen to Jesus and make a difference in our community.
On February 23 our newly appointed Pastor Andrea Delaney reminded us of the story, Wizard of Oz. She described the Good Witch Glinda. As a witch, everyone sees your difference. When Jesus encountered a woman publicly known as a sinner, she washed his feet to honor him. For ourselves, when we have more sin, we need even more grace. We al
On February 23 our newly appointed Pastor Andrea Delaney reminded us of the story, Wizard of Oz. She described the Good Witch Glinda. As a witch, everyone sees your difference. When Jesus encountered a woman publicly known as a sinner, she washed his feet to honor him. For ourselves, when we have more sin, we need even more grace. We all need grace. How can we respond to this today? We need to advocate for those on the margins. We are at the feet of Christ.
Feb 15 and 16 marked the ordination and installation of Andrea Delaney as our 19th pastor (after serving four years as our vicar). Among the group of 183 visitors on Saturday, from the Synod and the community, was Bishop Yehiel Curry. He spoke on Jesus' sermon on the plain. He also reminded everyone that Jesus' sermon heralded participa
Feb 15 and 16 marked the ordination and installation of Andrea Delaney as our 19th pastor (after serving four years as our vicar). Among the group of 183 visitors on Saturday, from the Synod and the community, was Bishop Yehiel Curry. He spoke on Jesus' sermon on the plain. He also reminded everyone that Jesus' sermon heralded participation of all ages, be they poor, homeless, ill, grieving, or otherwise. Many are hurting and we need to touch everyone. On Sunday our newly installed Pastor Andrea reminded us that we were 183 voices involved in this work of salvation, including all neighbors, and this is for God's glory.
On February 9 Chaplain Dave presented the sermon, starting with thoughts of Roman Centurions. As the name suggests, centurions were leaders of 100 men. In Jesus time, one centurion felt unworthy to approach the Lord, but sent someone to ask Jesus to heal one of his slaves who was a good person and who had helped in building the synogogu
On February 9 Chaplain Dave presented the sermon, starting with thoughts of Roman Centurions. As the name suggests, centurions were leaders of 100 men. In Jesus time, one centurion felt unworthy to approach the Lord, but sent someone to ask Jesus to heal one of his slaves who was a good person and who had helped in building the synogogue. Jesus praised the centurion for his faith. When the centurion's followers returned, they found the slave was in good health. Later, Jesus restored life to a widow's son, and the people were afraid, saying "a great prophet has risen among us." In our church, we once faced a decision - whether to serve people outside of town, or the community in our neighborhood. (We chose the neighborhood.) Later, the church raised money to upgrade the building, making it accessible and appropriate for everyone. Now our church serves the entire neighborhood, seven days a week.
February 2nd was on Jesus' words in Luke - "The Lord of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath." There, in the synogogue with his disciples, he shared consecrated bread. The following week he healed a man who had a withered hand, and the Pharisees and the teachers of the law rebuked him for healing on the sabbath. Pastor-elect Andrea was reminde
February 2nd was on Jesus' words in Luke - "The Lord of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath." There, in the synogogue with his disciples, he shared consecrated bread. The following week he healed a man who had a withered hand, and the Pharisees and the teachers of the law rebuked him for healing on the sabbath. Pastor-elect Andrea was reminded of an Emily Dickinson poem on the Sabbath. The poet says "Some keep the Sabbath going to Church –
I keep it, staying at Home –
With a Bobolink for a Chorister." Think of a sacred space, a Sabbath rest. For us, in a similar way, we can reach out and care for our neighbors, especially those who might suffer problems like a withered hand. While we share God's love at this holy table, we must always show compassion to our neighbors.
On January 26th, Vicar Andrea illustrated her sermon with the image of Jesus in a boat with those who were later to become his disciples. In that circumstance, the fishermen used few nets but were amazed to make an abundant catch. She compared that event with our own purpose statement, where we pledge to share faith, hope and love with o
On January 26th, Vicar Andrea illustrated her sermon with the image of Jesus in a boat with those who were later to become his disciples. In that circumstance, the fishermen used few nets but were amazed to make an abundant catch. She compared that event with our own purpose statement, where we pledge to share faith, hope and love with others. In our case, we can plan to cast our own nets in the hope of bringing others to the church and to Christ.
January 19th's sermon focused on the ever-widening arms of God's love. When Jesus first spoke in his local synogogue, people were alarmed to hear his plans for ministry. It included cultures unpopular with local people. We can appreciate this because it expanded his word to all cultures, including Gentiles. Pastor-elect Andrea quoted Do
January 19th's sermon focused on the ever-widening arms of God's love. When Jesus first spoke in his local synogogue, people were alarmed to hear his plans for ministry. It included cultures unpopular with local people. We can appreciate this because it expanded his word to all cultures, including Gentiles. Pastor-elect Andrea quoted Dorothy Day, a prominent 20th-century journalist who co-founded the Catholic Worker Movement which provided food and shelter to the poor and homeless. She said "I love anyone as much as the person I love the least." What a worthwhile thought.
On January 12th, Pastor-elect Andrea told how it was when John the Baptist went into the wilderness. In our case, we may know situations with chaos, where many things are out of our control. At the same time, many feel that our country is in chaos, what with fires and wars. When we think of the church, we see a rapid decline in membershi
On January 12th, Pastor-elect Andrea told how it was when John the Baptist went into the wilderness. In our case, we may know situations with chaos, where many things are out of our control. At the same time, many feel that our country is in chaos, what with fires and wars. When we think of the church, we see a rapid decline in membership, especially after COVID. We need to remember with comfort that God is still with us. We can set problems of the past aside and move into the new year, counting our blessings.
On January 5th, Pastor-Elect Andrea told the story of a possible Fourth Wise Man, a Magi named Artaban. Like the other three kings, he sets out to see the newborn ruler, carrying treasures to give as gifts to the child - a sapphire, a ruby, and a "pearl of great price". However, he stops along the way to help a dying man. He is forced to
On January 5th, Pastor-Elect Andrea told the story of a possible Fourth Wise Man, a Magi named Artaban. Like the other three kings, he sets out to see the newborn ruler, carrying treasures to give as gifts to the child - a sapphire, a ruby, and a "pearl of great price". However, he stops along the way to help a dying man. He is forced to sell one of his treasures to buy the camels and supplies necessary for the trek but arrives in Bethlehem too late to see the child. Next he saves the life of a child at the price of another of his treasures. Later he travels to many countries searching for Jesus and performing acts of charity along the way. After 33 years, he arrives in Jerusalem just in time for the crucifixion of Jesus. He spends his last treasure, the pearl, to ransom a young woman from being sold into slavery. He is then fatally injured but, since he has done much good through charitable works, a voice tells him "Verily I say unto thee, Inasmuch as thou hast done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, thou hast done it unto me." (Matthew 25:40)
December 29 featured elderly prophets Simeon and Ana, who God selected to recognize Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented at the temple as a baby. They alerted Mary and Joseph to the challenging life that lay ahead for them. In contrast to this awesome event, today's culture honors youth. As church attendance declines, we seek young
December 29 featured elderly prophets Simeon and Ana, who God selected to recognize Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented at the temple as a baby. They alerted Mary and Joseph to the challenging life that lay ahead for them. In contrast to this awesome event, today's culture honors youth. As church attendance declines, we seek younger people as the key to survival. Why do people attend? The church offers a lot - especially wisdom, experience, and faith.. In a Fuller Seminary study, kids who grew up in the church were asked why they had continued to attend. They said it was people, not a program - that they could stay in touch with several people who cared, developing intergenerational relationships. In our church, like Simeon and Ana, with wisdom and love, may we encourage one another in Christ.
December 24 was our Christmas Eve service. Pastor Dave and Pastor-elect Andrea invited the children to join them on presenting the sermon. Everyone enjoyed the event, where each child opened a gift- starting with Mary and Joseph, then Jesus and the Shepherds. The point was that love comes down to us. God is in our lives because his live comes down.
December 22 started with Pastor-elect Andrea describing her favorite TV program. "Call the Midwife." This series follows a community of Anglican nuns /nurse-midwives living in the East End of London in 1957. The first program in the series follows a Midwife, Jenny, who is called to help a woman in an apartment surrounded by 24 children. S
December 22 started with Pastor-elect Andrea describing her favorite TV program. "Call the Midwife." This series follows a community of Anglican nuns /nurse-midwives living in the East End of London in 1957. The first program in the series follows a Midwife, Jenny, who is called to help a woman in an apartment surrounded by 24 children. She is delivering her 25th child! Although the mother trips and falls over a toy on the floor, Jenny delivers the baby although everyone expects the baby to be stillborn. Sadly, the mother refuses medical treatment, either for herself or the child. Back at the group's home, the supervisor of the midwives says "We just have to see what love will do." This has become Pastor-elect Andrea's favorite line. In the program. The baby lives and all is well. Later in the sermon Pastor-elect Andrea describes the birth of Christ and the prophesies which foreshadowed it. The birth was miraculous and the mother Mary is recognized by her praise of God in the Magnificat. In Christmas, Advent gives us hope. We recognize what love can do in the world in the song "Silent Night."
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